Articles by Kevin

Essential reasons for co-branding partnership

5 Reasons Why You Need to Consider a Co-Branding Partnership

In a very competitive industry, a co-branding partnership may sound counter-intuitive. After all, why would you share information and resources with a potential enemy? It’s like yielding a territory even before the battle has begun. But…

Stay in touch with customers through business greeting cards

4 Things You Need to Know About Business Greeting Cards

A lot of companies have used business greeting cards as a marketing tool all year round. However, not much thought is given to formulating an actual strategy with this tradition. Buying a set of greeting cards from a…

Employees are the best candidates as marketing ambassadors

How to Turn Your Employees Into Marketing Ambassadors

Marketing your business nowadays is focused on the integration of print and digital marketing strategies. Countless time and effort, and of course, monetary investment have been poured into innovative branding strategies and for a good…

Catalog marketing boosts online apparel sales

How Catalog Marketing Brings Apparel Shoppers Online

Catalog marketing can boost your online sales for apparel! Wait, what? I know it does sound counter-intuitive. For some businesses, digital has replaced print under the guise of being more convenient and more accessible. This is apparent…

Survive your first trade show with these essential materials

7 Trade Show Materials You Need

Showcasing your business in a trade show is one of the best ways to get potential customers. More than that, it is also a chance for you to increase your network of people in related industries…