Articles by Rafael Rivera

Buying Guide

How to Create Catalog Buying Guides

We live in an age where customers know what they want as soon as they hit a showroom floor. They can’t always be persuaded to try anything else. People do research now, especially when buying…

Creative Calendar Marketing Ideas

Calendar Marketing Ideas You Need to Hear

You know what calendars can do for your business. Investing in calendars is money well spent given how it’s used for an entire year. Having your brand on each one means reaching more customers. We…

Best Time to Advertise Social Media

When Is the Best Time to Advertise on Social Media?

So you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and sell. The question now is: when is the best time to advertise on social media? Unlike traditional marketing like flyer distribution, the right time to promote…

Employees Bring Customers Back

What You Need to Know to Bring Customers Back

The one problem retailers often think about is how to increase foot traffic in their store and bring customers back. When customers come too few in between, entrepreneurs are left in in a state of…

printing plate calibration

What Are Printing Plates?

Printing plates are thin, flat sheets of metal commonly made from aluminum. They are used in printing products like business cards, catalogs, and brochures. Printing Plates in Offset Printing The term “printing plate” is often…