5 Effective Ecommerce Blogging Tips For Small Businesses

In the past, people used to see blogs as no more than avenues where bloggers can express their opinions on a wide range of topics, from key issues to the bizarre. There were concerns as to how blogs would benefit ecommerce sites. Over time, more and more people and businesses are seeing the importance of blogging to develop a brand. It is a means of adding useful content that cannot be discussed in other segments of the website. Here are some tips and strategies to maximize the benefits of having a blog.

Ecommerce Blogging Tips

1. Offer useful information

Ecommerce sites include blogs to share information about the company’s products. However, try to find a balance between offering important information and being personable. Company blogs can be used to feature information about new products or promos. On the other hand, also strive to create variety and retain their interest. Avoid delving into hot topics such as religion, politics or even topics that can make people feel sick. Post new content on a regular basis. The aim is to educate people on what your products are and what these products can do for them. Customers who become better educated by reading your posts will also be more likely to buy from your website.

2. Get people involved

Conduct quizzes, contests and other events that get people to engage and interact with the brand. Reward their efforts by offering small trinkets, products or even a discount on their next purchase. Happy customers are more likely to come back and to buy more stuff or learn more about the company. In some cases, satisfied customers may even help promote your brand to people they know.

3. Feature different products

Devise a schedule that would highlight a specific product from the company. This would aid in educating readers and potential customers on what the company offers and even bring attention to less popular items.

4. Surprise readers

Offer random freebies or promos. Your loyal subscribers will continue to follow your blog because they know that it offers them something useful or interesting. People will start sharing about your random promos, encouraging more people to subscribe to the blog.

5. Use it to communicate with the community

Companies tend to be anxious about putting up a blog as it raises the risk of people posting complaints or bad rumors about the company. A better way of looking at the situation is that a blog offers customers an avenue where customers can express themselves. The company can see these comments and handle the situation appropriately. How the company handles the situation will give people an idea of their business practices. This is better than having customers complain on other websites and not having a representative prove or disprove the allegations.

Blogging for Product Linking Strategies

  • Link to related products

Blog content can be used to drive traffic to specific areas on the ecommerce site. Use internal links to get people to check out your company’s products. Linking to a related product on the website will make the article sound more natural and the link counts as a vote for the page’s level of authority.

  • Use suitable anchor text

An anchor text is a set of words used to contain the link. In text form, these are the underlined words in blue. The proper anchor text can be used to describe where the link leads to, such as the name of the product. Google in particular gives weight to the anchor text, boosting the site’s ranking for those given keywords. With the new Google updates, bloggers have been more careful in selecting the proper anchor text as using the exact same set can cause the site to be penalized. In the case of ecommerce sites, there is little risk of being penalized for anchor texts as the variety of products ensures a greater diversity of anchor texts.

  • Implement deep linking

Deep linking involves linking to pages other than the homepage. Links could be directed to the website’s landing page for specific categories or actual product pages. This helps in the company’s link building efforts, boosting the website’s rank on search results. Another advantage to deep linking is that it takes customers directly to pages where they need or want to go without going through the arduous process of navigating through the website through the homepage.