the right file type for printing

Choosing the Right File Type for Printing

Choosing a file type for printing isn’t easy because it varies depending on the type of print project that you will do. Before deciding on the file format, it’s crucial to first learn about image…

custom labels

The Benefits of Stickers to Enhance Your Packaging

Custom stickers can captivate your audience. Go out of the box with your product packaging by incorporating stickers! Personalized stickers are one of the most versatile marketing tools one can use especially for enhancing packaging. It can…

Everything you need to know about label shapes

How to Choose the Perfect Shape for Your Label

Size and Shape Matters More Than You Think Custom labels are one of the most popular marketing materials used in the nation, but the importance of choosing the right shape should not be ignored. Certain shapes…

designing a sticker sheet with multiple designs

Steps to Design Your Own Stickers and Labels

A split second. That’s all the time that your product is going to get from a customer if you’re lucky. Zero, if not. That’s all the time the customer needs, too, in deciding if they…