Make Your Fundraiser Rock with Brochure Marketing

There are many reasons to host a fundraiser – whether you are raising funds for a school, church, theater company or charity. But there is only one goal when hosting a fundraiser: Bring in money. The idea is that if you are passionate about a project or a cause, it stands to reason that other people will feel as passionately as you do. And as a result, they will want to open their wallets and help you make your fundraiser a success. If only it were that easy! Unfortunately, getting a community to rally behind your fundraiser can be complicated. Most people are not as willing to part with their money as we would like them to be – no matter how special you believe the cause is. Most people need an outline of the facts, along with a list of the benefits that their money will provide, in order to decide to give. This is where having printed materials readily available to distribute can be an essential factor in making your fundraiser a success. In fact, one might say you can make your fundraiser rock with the effective use of brochures!

Creating a brochure outlining the reasons why your fundraiser is being held and the ways in which people can donate is a smart way to market your cause. Brochure marketing is a cost effective way to advertise and can provide a lot of information in a small space. So how can you make the most of your fundraiser brochure? It is as easy as 1-2-3!

  1. Cover – You’ll want to capture attention with your brochure cover. If you have a slogan for your fundraising campaign, this is the place to display it. State clearly what you are raising funds for in a large font, and don’t be afraid to use color and graphics. Having a clear goal stated on the cover will pique interest and encourage viewers to look inside to learn more.
  2. Inside Columns – Inside of your brochure there are three columns that you can use to your advantage. This is a perfect place to detail why your fundraiser is important, where the monies raised will be used and how contributors can make a difference. Bulletpoints and lists are encouraged to keep the interest of the reader. Also, if you have testimonies from people who have benefited from your fundraisers in the past, you can include a few quotes or anecdotes. Think of your inside columns as three distinct areas that can have different informative qualities. This will also help to retain attention.
  3. Back flap – The back flap of your brochure is a perfect place to include a call to action. After reading through your brochure and identifying with why your fundraiser is important, the goal is to encourage people to participate. By having a form on the back of your brochure that people can fill out and contribute with, you open the door of possibilities for your fundraiser. Now people have the option of attending your fundraising event or sending in a contribution if they are not able to be there.

You can mail out your brochures to let people know about the fundraiser in advance, and you can also hand out the brochures at your fundraiser to encourage people to contribute even after your event has ended. Having a printed brochure available increases the opportunities for your fundraising success!

About the Author

PrintRunner offers online printing service based in Van Nuys, California. They specialize in supplying discerning clients with superior print stickers, business cards, posters, postcards, and other products at affordable rates. Get a FREE copy of their sample kit now and see for yourself.

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