
inabel shop custom postcard and product

My Business Plan: Inabel Shop

Where do good ideas come from? Honestly, it’s hard to tell. Good ideas, inspiration – they can come from anywhere, at any given moment, and most of the time, when you least expect it. For…

My Business Plan: JM Fitness

JM Fitness is Janine Myers, a full-time fitness trainer working out of Pepperell, MA. Janine is the embodiment of fitness. She has the passion and the attitude people look for in trainers. If you’re stuck…

Nomi's Natural Postcard

My Business Plan: Nomi’s Naturals

Ever since I was a teenager, I struggled with monthly acne breakouts. I would use commercial products available in supermarkets and department stores, but none of them curbed the pimples. As I entered my late…

Employees Bring Customers Back

What You Need to Know to Bring Customers Back

The one problem retailers often think about is how to increase foot traffic in their store and bring customers back. When customers come too few in between, entrepreneurs are left in in a state of…

Heartwarming mother's day card ideas

15 Heartwarming Mother’s Day Card Ideas

Mother’s Day is fast approaching. Do you have any plans for the big day? Thinking of Mother’s Day card ideas for your mom is the least you could do for her. After all, she who…

4 common printing myths debunked

4 Common Printing Myths Debunked

As something that’s been around for a two centuries, printing is quite susceptible to myths, rumors, and misconceptions. We all know how it goes. Someone says something. It spreads. After some time, these printing myths…

Why Is Printing Important?

If you would like to know the answer to the question “Why is printing important?,” you only need to look around you. Our life has been linked to printing, so much so that we sometimes…

Who invented postcards

Who Invented Postcards?

It’s actually easy to answer the question “Who invented the postcard?” A lot of historians attribute the invention of the first picture postcard to Theodore Hook, a writer and practical joker, who sent the card…